New Players

It's never too late to get into box lacrosse!

You will meet new friends and give your child the experience of a lifetime while they stay active, learn valuable life lessons and become part of a close knit lacrosse community.

Are you worried about experience? 

GSLA's focus is on fun and skills development. If you're eager to try something new and want to be part of a great team, then this is the place for you! 

Are you worried you won't know anyone?

As part of your registration, you can list a friend that you would like to play with. The GSLA does its best to accommodate all requests. 

Season Schedule

This house league season is scheduled to run weeknights from mid April to the end of June.


We run out of Coniston and Garson arenas, but these are subject to change based on arena availability.

Still unsure? Come out to one of our FREE try lacrosse nights. See the calendar on the home page for the next one!

Lacrosse Parents and Players Guide.pdf

U5 - Soft Lacrosse


U7 - Paperweight


U9 - Tyke


U11 - Novice


U13 - Peewee


U15 - Bantam


U17 - Midget


U22 - Intermediate
